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Today we'll analyze an extremely rare product, a so called Single Barrel from the Glenrothes distillery and selected by Claxton's, an independent bottler. The barrels in question is the number 1610-7154, the whisky stayed in the barrel from April 28th 1997 to November 16th 2016, as reported on the label.
the color does not betray the expectation. Evident, very evident, is the influence of the barrel: dried fruits, dates and red fruits, black cherry in particular. A rather light strawberry jam appears as well. A less sweeter side emerges slowly, which are outlined in dries mushrooms and black pepper.
striking, due to its great intensity. Notes of red fruits (cherry and strawberry) and honey emerge. The sweetness is never to much, also thanks to the spices, mainly black pepper and paprika. It finishes with milk chocolate and dried mushrooms.
long persistency. It outlines a mix of milk chocolate, black cherry, strawberry, black pepper and vanilla.
Glenrothes, since a couple of years, offers many Single Barrels with a pronounced age, like this one. In this particular case, we are faced with a product that is driven by wood, with a great result in the glass. The intensity is very good, as well as the complexity. An intense and particular drink.
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