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Smooth Ambler Contradiction Bourbon is a blend of the bourbon sourced by the brand for Old Scout with wheated bourbon distilled in the West Virginia distillery belonging to the brand. The mashbill of the sourced bourbon is made of corn, rye and malted barley, while the homemade bourbon is made of corn, wheat and malted barley. The distillation processes involved are a continuous column distillation and pot distillation. Different ages are represented, however the majority of the whiskeys are more than 9 years in age. Annual production is around 50,000 bottles.
Smooth and pleasant, reminiscent of Drambuje, with creamy and sweet orange, brown sugar, ripe apricots. The decadent spicy notes are sweet, similar to cinnamon and star anise of some marmalades. Little oaky in the second part. A minor varnish hint.
Elegant, a burst of toffee covering a sweet orange core. Spices are still present, very coherent with the nose, except for the vanilla, which is much more represented, of good quality.
Medium duration, again rich in orange and apricots on top of vanilla and toffee. Neat, clean, pleasant.
Smooth Ambler Contradiction Bourbon is overall a nice product, a clean and neat one, that could even be called elegant to some point. The profile is maybe not overly complex, but the sip is fruity, with a smooth and juicy orange and a nice apricot, and the quality of the spices is intriguing, with vanilla and sweet marmalade-style ones. Nice, easy to finish a bottle without even noticing it...
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