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Jefferson's Ocean Aged at Sea is a bourbon whisky distilled at Mclain's distillery. It is the result of a very unique experiment by Trey Zoeller, owner of Jefferson's, who in 2012 took three of his bourbon barrels and loaded them on a boat traveling throughout the Pacific Ocean; marine influence, different temperatures and the constant movement provided the spirit with unique character, thus the experiment was converted into a small batch release with very limited quantities, still enjoying a similar, very special aging procedure.
Shy at the beginning, it opens up with caramel, oak, vanilla and a tangerine finish note. Sweet, but juicy and mellow, pleasant. Some creaminess is developed in the end.
Entrance is all about sweet and salty spices, followed by a slightly bitter orange zest note. Salivation is stimulated by the acidic component, cleaning the palate. Vanilla pods of good quality.
Medium-short duration, clean, infused of orange and brown sugar. A minor bitter note at the end, not unpleasant.
Jefferson's Ocean Aged at Sea is overall an interesting bourbon, with an oaky component on top of which other minor flavors develop a rather interesting amount of extra notes (vanilla, orange zest, mixed spices). Some minor bitter notes are providing some extra level of interest. Alcohol is present but not overwhelming, for a pleasant fruition of good intensity. Balanced and centered.
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